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Our students’ educational and personal welfare is essential to our strong campus culture. Through the expertise of our staff and the safeguards of our pastoral care system, we seek to ensure that Grimwade House consistently offers a nurturing space where all students feel welcomed and supported.

We value open communication

We encourage regular, open communication between home and School to address potential issues before they present difficulties. Classroom teachers are the first point of contact for students and parents if welfare concerns do arise.

Our Heads of School, Heads of Section, Counsellor, Chaplain and Deputy Head are all available to provide support whenever necessary, as is the Head of Grimwade House.

We offer professional support

Registered psychologists are available at each Melbourne Grammar campus to provide professional support and guidance to students and their parents. Each of our psychologists has experience managing educational challenges along with child, adolescent and family issues that can have an impact on educational progress.