A great way for you to stay up to date with School news, and news of other Old Melburnians, is via our collection of latest news, publications and stories.
Grammar News
Grammar News is published by Melbourne Grammar School to enable our community to connect to our initiatives and activities, hear the latest from our Old Melburnians, and explore ideas that are shaping our School and leading us towards new ways of thinking.
You can receive a printed or digital version of the magazine. To ensure you receive your regular copy of Grammar News, please check your contact details are up to date by contacting [email protected] or +61 3 9865 7682.
Visit the Grammar News website here.
Meet our Alumni
We value the women and men who are part of our vibrant alumni network. These are the people who are proud to be known as Old Melburnians, contributing back to the School through the knowledge and experience they have gained across diverse careers and fields of endeavor.
Meet our Alumni here and via a collection stories on our Grammar News website.
Old Melburnian Connect
Old Melburnian Connect is quarterly electronic newsletter produced exclusively for Old Melburnians. With regular stories, news and updates from Old Melburnians, information about upcoming events and reunions, career development opportunities, as well as updates from Old Melburnian sporting and special interest clubs and societies, and much more, Old Melburnian Connect is a great way to stay up to date with what is happening in the Old Melburnian community.
If you have an idea for a story, or you’d like to share an update, please contact [email protected] or +61 9865 7682.