Old Melburnian branches

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Old Melburnian Branches offer opportunities for Old Melburnians living outside Melbourne to connect with others living in their city or area. 

Most Branches have regular events, if not every year, then every second year. Partners are almost always invited to join these events.

To join a Branch or find out more about becoming a Branch Ambassador in your area, contact [email protected] or phone +61 9865 7682 to be added to the mailing list.

To stay informed about Branch events in your local area, keep an eye on our events page, sign up for OMlink and ensure your contact details are up-to-date.

International Branches

London and Europe 

Branch Ambassador: Frazer Hughes (OM 1983)

Established in 1919 with a “Peace Dinner” at the end of WWI, the London Branch is the oldest of all the branches. Members are invited to a dinner once a year, usually held at a private club.
Join the WhatsApp group here

New York, USA and Canada 

Branch Ambassadors: Bill Liu (OM 2016) and Ben Hoskins (OM 2017)

Our newest and fastest growing branch, with an estimated 300 Old Melburnians living across the US. Join the OM USA Branch LinkedIn group here and the WhatsApp group here.

Hong Kong

Branch Ambassadors: Brett Stewien (OM 1991) and Paul Scroggie (OM 1980)

With over 100 Old Melburnians living in Hong Kong, we hope to see more regular events and opportunities for Old Melburnians to connect. Join the HK OMs WhatsApp group here.

Singapore, China and Malaysia

We are seeking contact from Old Melburnians living in these areas who may be interested in generating Branch activity.

Interstate Branches


Branch Ambassador: Edwina Burn (OM 2004).

With over 1,000 OMs living in Sydney and NSW, this is the largest branch. An event is held most years, typically a cocktail party or lunch with a guest speaker, where partners are welcome to attend.


Branch Ambassador: Position available.

A small but growing group of Old Melburnians who met this year for the first time in many years. We hope to hold Branch events in Adelaide every second year.


Branch Ambassador: Position available.

A large contingent of young Old Melburnians live and study in Canberra. An event held approximately every two years, typically an informal networking drinks at a local bar.


Branch Ambassador: Position available.

An emerging branch with a growing number of Old Melburnians living and working in the NT, including former students who attended Melbourne Grammar as part of the First Nations Scholarship program.


Branch Ambassador: Position available.

The first Perth Branch event in many years was held in early 2024, with an excellent turnout. We hope to hold Branch events in Perth every second year.


Branch Ambassador: Position available.

We are seeking contact from Old Melburnians living in Brisbane who may be interested in generating Branch activity.

Regional Victoria Branches

Bellarine Peninsula

Branch Ambassador: Position available.

A well-established branch with regular events taking place over many years. Events are typically in the local area.

Mornington Peninsula 

Branch Ambassador: Position available.

A well-established branch, with regular events taking place over many years. This year, the Branch reunited after several years, over Sunday lunch at the Barwon Heads Golf Club. Events are typically in the local area.

Central Victoria, North Eastern Victoria, Western Victoria and the Riverina

We are seeking contact from Old Melburnians living in these areas who may be interested in generating Branch activity.  Let us know about your interest by contacting [email protected] or +61 3 9865 7682