Our students’ development of self-knowledge, leadership skills and the ability to cope with challenges form an explicit part of our learning agenda. Setting clear boundaries for behaviour means we can provide a framework that supports each student as they develop these qualities.
Our behavioural standards allow students to learn from others and reflect on their own strengths and experiences. A key part of this is making sure we recognise and highlight positive behaviour across the campus.
Our Values and Code of Conduct
The Grimwade House Code of Conduct is displayed in every classroom and communicated throughout our School community. It reads:
As a responsible member of the Grimwade House community I do the right thing at the right time in the right place.
Our behavioural standards also draw from our School-wide values, which are the standards by which we judge our interactions with individuals, groups and communities.
From simple acts like saying ‘thank you’ to the more complex understanding of how to indicate when you are worried about something, we foster successful and appropriate behaviour models through a variety of explicit strategies.