Our goal to provide a holistic education for every Grimwade House student which includes both formal spiritual programs and informal spaces for spiritual development. As an Anglican School that welcomes diversity, our activities are informed by the Christian faith and values. As part of the discussion all religions of the world are included in detail.
Introductions to spiritual traditions
Our Religious and Values Education (RAVE) program addresses spirituality using activities that match our students’ ages and levels of understanding. Through RAVE students participate in weekly Chapel services that include singing, prayer, bible readings, reflections on a value or theme and discussions about the way we interact with one another.
Through RAVE students hear from religious practitioners from other religious traditions, such as Buddhism and Islam, about aspects of their faith and spiritual lives. These sessions are a space where students can ask questions and deepen their knowledge of the world around them.
Spaces for quiet reflection
Along with providing space for formal worship and spiritual discussion, the Chapel of St Andrew is somewhere students can find a moment of quiet during their busy school day. We also recognise that spiritual reflection can include those times when students feel connected to nature in our garden spaces or under our many established trees.