Pastoral care

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Our strong pastoral care structures are a key to students’ academic progress and social support throughout their time at Melbourne Grammar School. Our House system provides the basis for pastoral care across each year level and complements the broader School pastoral care program.

Guidance through our House system

Students are part of Creswick House in Years 7 and 8 and join either School House or Perry Houses in Year 9 to 12. Each House is overseen by a Head of House and a team of tutors.

Students meet regularly as a group made up of approximately 12 students. These groups provide a nurturing environment for younger boys to develop friendships with their peers and to support their ongoing academic development.

Creswick House boarders are supervised and supported by a tutor at all times, with the Head of Creswick living in the House. In School and Perry Houses boys live in year level groups. This enables boys to form friendships and seek support with academic tasks within their own year level while mixing with other students through House and School activities.

Other pastoral care staff

Boarders have regular contact with the Careers Guidance staff, the Learning Strategies department and the School Chaplains. The Counselling Services team is available to support students, with school psychologists available through Wadhurst and the Senior School.

Getting to know our campus and surrounds

Our students participate in an extensive orientation program during the first few weeks of their stay with us. This gives them time to become comfortable within the School grounds and familiar with the full range of facilities that exist to support their learning.

Orientation is also a chance to build new relationships with peers who will also be joining the Melbourne Grammar School community from across Victoria, Australia and overseas. Staff also support students as they learn to navigate their new city and begin to experience what Melbourne has to offer.

I’ve been involved in the inter-House debating competition this year. It was fun and I’m definitely doing it again next year.

Melvin, Year 10