Providing nutritious meals plays a key role in making sure our boarders are happy, healthy and ready for their next challenge.
Relaxing over main meals
Our in-house catering team provides a delicious range of hot and cold meals at the School’s Luxton Dining Hall for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here, students can gather to catch up with friends over healthy, tasty food that varies each day and each week.
Morning tea, afternoon tea and snacks
Boarders are given morning tea to eat with friends on campus, and afternoon tea is provided as students return to their houses. Senior School students also have access to kitchenettes to make drinks and snacks, and all students have access to the main kitchen while at their boarding house. Friday night barbeques and weekend pizza nights are also part of boarding house life.
Responding to dietary needs
Our in-house catering team are ready to respond to any dietary needs including special requirements. Packed lunches are available for hours on weekends when required. Our School does not knowingly use any peanut products.
The food is a pretty good standard. It’s filling, varied and they try to cater for everyone. It’s not Mum’s cooking, but it’s OK.