Staff Story

Bronwyn Joseph

Bronwyn Joseph

Teacher at Grimwade House

Last updated: December 2023

The most important aspect of my work is trying to put the right books into the right hands. This means connecting students with books that are at their level and meet their interests, as well as finding books that expand their knowledge and help them to grow. It’s also about putting the right books into the hands of teachers, so they’re using strong, creative literature in their classrooms.

I need to know the students and their interests, show them how to find new books on the shelves, and work collaboratively with both classroom teachers and parents. We work as a team to support the child’s reading and to foster a love of literature. 

Reading skills are important in their own right, but it’s that love of literature that opens up new worlds. Reading allows us to see and experience things we might not otherwise encounter, to walk in others’ shoes, and to develop compassion and empathy. The additional benefit is that if you are a reader, skills will flow through to your writing. 

There’s always something new to learn in the world of children’s literature. Alongside managing the Kath James Library, my work includes talking with booksellers, listening to author talks and exploring new ways to teach and to share literature. My judging role with the Children’s Book Council of Australia was another opportunity to be challenged and to learn.

The judging role underscored just how much there is to explore in a picture book—much more than first meets the eye. By their very nature, picture books have to tell a story in an impactful yet succinct way. Sometimes the words and pictures are complementary, sometimes they work against each other to tell the story. Creating a successful text with both visual and narrative elements is quite a complex thing to do.

What I love most about working at Grimwade House is the students – their energy, their creativity, their questions and their comments! An additional bonus at Grimwade House is the staff. We have such dedicated people here and we share a distinct sense of collegiality and community. Working in such a fabulous team makes a big difference. I have a strong connection to place at Grimwade House. It’s almost like a second home, and it’s a place where I feel I belong. 

Bronwyn Joseph’s various teaching roles have included over 22 years at Melbourne Grammar School, where she currently oversees the Kath James Library at Grimwade House. 

She holds a Bachelor of Education (Primary) from Deakin University and has undertaken postgraduate studies in children’s literature. Bronwyn is also a judge for the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards in the Early Childhood category (2022-2023).